

Dental and Cosmetic

طب وتجميل الاسنان

from Bahrain is a full-service dental lab establish in 2019, which manufactures dental prosthesis, such as crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, partials, and orthodontic appliances such as retainers, splints, night guards, sports guards with using the latest dental technologies. Ident Dental Laboratory is being established with the goal of providing dentists with restorations of superior quality and value.

Dental and Cosmetic Services List


Dermatology and Laser

خدمات الجلدية و الليزر

Dermatology and Laser Services List


iDent Dental Laboratory

مختبر آيدينت للأسنان

iDent Dental Laboratory from Bahrain is a full-service dental lab establish in 2019, which manufactures dental prosthesis, such as crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, partials, and orthodontic appliances such as retainers, splints, night guards, sports guards with using the latest dental technologies. Ident Dental Laboratory is being established with the goal of providing dentists with restorations of superior quality and value.

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Laboratory tests

الفحصوصات المختبرية

يمكنك إجراء فحوصات الدم المتنوعة في عيادات دنتاليا ..تمتاز مختبراتنا بأفضل الأجهزة الطبية وجودة الفحوصات العالية

Our laboratories are characterized by the best medical equipment and high quality tests…

  • CBC
  • Kidney function test
  • Liver function test
  • Lipid profile
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone
  • Vitamin D and B 12
  • Iron in serum
  • Electrolytes
  • HbA1C